A Letter to God

Summary of A Letter to God Class 10 First Flight

CBSE NCERT Revision Notes


Summary of the Chapter


Lencho was a farmer. His house was the only one in the entire valley. It was on the top of a hill. His fields needed a good harvest. He was looking towards the sky hoping for rain. During the meal, big drops of rain began to fall. He went out to feel the rain on his body.

Lencho was satisfied. The drops of rain were like coins. The big drops were ten-cents and the little ones were worth five each. Suddenly, a strong wind began to blow. Lencho was worried.

Along with the rain came very large hailstones. They truly did resemble silver coins. The house, the fields and the hill-side were covered with the white hails. Not a leaf remained on the trees. The corn was totally destroyed. So were the flowers. Lencho was sorrowful. They would have no corn that year.

Lencho thought that there was only one hope. It was the help from God. The following Sunday, he wrote a letter to God. He wrote that if he did not help, his whole family would die. He needed a hundred pesos in order to sow his field again and to live until the new crop coming. He wrote ‘To God’ on the envelope, placed a stamp on it and dropped it into the mailbox.

One of the postmen who read the address laughed heartily and took it to the postmaster. The postmaster was quite a friendly and pleasant man. He too broke out laughing. But soon he became serious. He realised that the sender of the letter had great faith in God. He didn’t want to shake the writer’s faith in God. He decided to answer the letter.

The generous postmaster collected money from his employees. He himself gave a part of his salary. He put seventy pesos, all the money he could collect, in an envelope and sent it to Lencho by mail.

Lencho had a firm and unshaken faith in God. He did expect help from God. When he received the money, he was not surprised. But his happiness was just for some moments. When he counted the money, he became very angry. He believed that God could never deceive him. Immediately, he wrote a second letter to God and posted it. The postmaster opened the letter eagerly. Lencho wrote that he received seventy pesos that had been sent by God. He requested God to send him the rest of the money. He asked God not to send the money through the mail. The post-office employees were ‘a bunch of crooks’.


Quick Revision Notes


  • Lencho was a farmer.
  • His house was the only house in the valley and on the top of a hill.
  • Lencho’s fields needed rain for a good harvest.
  • He looked expectantly at the sky and it did rain at last.
  • The drops of rain were like the coins for him.
  • But his happiness was short lived as very large hailstones began to fall after the rain.
  • The hailstones destroyed all the leaves on the trees, plants and flowers.
  • There would be no crop that year.
  • There was a single hope: help from God.
  • On the following Sunday, he wrote a letter to God.
  • He needed a hundred pesos to sow his fields again and to live until the new crop came.
  • He wrote `To God’ on the envelope and put the letter into the mailbox.
  • The postman laughed heartily and took it to the postmaster.
  • The postmaster laughed too but soon he became serious.
  • He decided to reply to the letter and help Lencho.
  • He collected seventy pesos only from his employees and himself contributed a part of his salary.
  • He put the money in an envelope and posted it to Lencho.
  • Lencho had an unbroken faith in God and he was not surprised when he received the money.
  • His happiness was turned into anger as there were thirty pesos short of the money.
  • Lencho could never believe that God could ever deceive him.
  • So, he wrote another letter to God reminding Him that he received only 70 pesos sent by Him.
  • He asked God not to send the rest of 30 pesos through the mail as the post office employees were a ‘bunch of crooks’.


Character Sketches from A Letter to God


Lencho: Lencho was a simple man as farmers usually are everywhere. He had an unshaken faith in God. Lencho was highly religious and so was his wife. He believed that God always helps people with a clear conscience. Therefore, when he lost all hopes and he and his family were on the verge of starvation, he looked towards God for help. He was a little educated to write a letter. He shows his innocence by trying to have a correspondence with God directly. He was strong and sturdy like an ox. Not only that, he worked day and night in the fields. While he had an unshaken faith in God, he mistrusted easily the motives of men. He could never know and nor did he ever try to know who had sent him those seventy pesos to help him. It is quite ironical that he abused his helpers by calling them ‘a bunch of crooks’.

Postmaster: The postmaster has all that is good in human thinking and behaviour. He has a thorough understanding of a sharp, sympathetic and sensitive mind. He knows how the mind of a God fearing rustic like Lencho works. He is sensitive and sympathetic to human feelings. He doesn’t want to break the deep faith of the writer in God. The fat and friendly postmaster had a large heart too. First, he laughed at the man who wanted to have a direct correspondence with God. But he soon became serious. After reading the letter, he was deeply moved and impressed by Lencho’s faith in God.


The Post Office Employees: The post-office employees make every effort to help Lencho. They believed that only an innocent and foolish farmer can write a letter to God. They were considerate and full of compassion. They wondered at the faith of the man who wrote that letter. But they contributed something for an ‘act of charity’. They couldn’t collect the hundred pesos but sent only seventy pesos to Lencho. Only a single word was written as a signature: `God’.


Summary of A Letter to God in Hindi


लैंचो एक मेहनती किसान था | उसे अच्छी फसल होने की आशा थी | परंतु दुर्भाग्य से ओलों का तूफ़ान आया उसकी फसल को पूर्णत: समाप्त कर गया | लैंचो उदास हो गया। परंतु उसका भगवान में पक्का विश्वास था | उसने सोचा कि भगवान उसकी सहायता करेगें | वह एक बहुत साधारण आदमी था। उसने भगवान को एक पत्र लिखा | पत्र में उसने ईश्वर से एक सौ पीसोस भेजने के लिए कहा| तब वह डाकघर गया और पत्र को डाक –पेटी में डाल दिया |

डाकिए ने पत्र को पत्र पेटी से निकाला | वह इस पर पता देखकर हँसा | तब वह पोस्टमास्टर के पास गया और उसको वह विचित्र पत्र दिखाया | पत्र पर भगवान का पता देखकर पोस्ट मास्टर भी हँसा । परंतु जब उसने पत्र पढ़ा तो वह गंभीर हो गया । उसने डाकघर के कर्मचारियों से पैसे देने को कहा । उसने अपने वेतन का भी एक हिस्सा दिया | परन्तु वह लैंचों द्वारा माँगी गई धनराशि के आधी से कुछ अधिक इकठ्ठा कर सके । पोस्टमास्टर ने पैसा एक लिफाफे में रखा और लैंचो का पता लिख दिया । अगले रविवार लैंचो फिर डाकघर आया | उसने पूछा क्या उसके नाम कोई पत्र आया है | पोस्टमास्टर ने पत्र निकाला और लैंचो को दे दिया ।

लैंचो को पैसा देखकर कोई आश्चर्य नहीं हुआ । परंतु जब उसने पैसे गिने तो वह गुस्सा हुआ । उसने सोचा कि भगवान गलती नहीं कर सकता । उसने कागज और स्याही उठाई और भगवान को दूसरा पत्र लिखा । तब उसने पत्र पेटी में डाल दिया ।

लैंचो के चले जाने के बाद पोस्टमास्टर और कर्मचारियों ने पत्र पढा । लैंचो ने भगवान से शिकायत की थी कि उसे केवल सत्तर पीसोस ही प्राप्त हुए । उसने ईश्वर को शेष पैसे भी भेजने को कहा । परंतु उसने भगवान को पैसा डाक द्वारा नहीं भेजने को कहा । उसने लिखा कि डाकघर के कर्मचारी ठगों का एक टोला है