
How does caste get politicised?

How does caste get politicised?

How is gender division understood in Indian society? How does political mobilisation of women on this question help to improve women’s role in public life?

How is gender division understood in Indian society? How does political mobilisation of women on this question help to improve women’s role in public life? 

Write few measures to combat communalism in India.

Write few measures to combat communalism in India. 

Highlight the positive and negative impact of casteism with regard to political expression. Give any three examples to justify the statement.

Highlight the positive and negative impact of casteism with regard to political expression. Give any three examples to justify the statement.

‘‘In politics, the focus on caste can sometimes give an impression that elections are all about caste and nothing else.’’ Justify the statement.

‘‘In politics, the focus on caste can sometimes give an impression that elections are all about caste and nothing else.’’ Justify the statement.

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