The Proposal

Summary of The Proposal Class 10 First Flight

CBSE NCERT Revision Notes


Summary of the Chapter


When the play begins we see that Lomov comes to meet Chubukov at his house. Chubukov who is a farmer welcomes Lomov. He asks him why he is wearing formal clothes and whether he is going to attend a function. Lomov replies that he is not going anywhere; he has come only to meet him. Lomov appears excited and perturbed. He calms himself down and begins to tell him the purpose of his visit. He tells him that he came to him many times in the past also for his help but he did not help him. Before telling the purpose of his visit. Lomov is excited once again. Chubukov thinks that perhaps he has come to ask for a loan. He makes up his mind not to help him in any way.
Lomov once again begins to tell Chubukov about the purpose of his visit. But he once again becomes excited. He talks about himself in exaggerated terms. Chubukov asks him not to beat about the hush and to talk about his purpose of coming. Lomov gathers courage and tells him that he has come to ask for his daughter Natalya’s hand in marriage. On hearing this Chubukov becomes very happy, he goes in to call Natalya. But before this Lomov asks him whether Natalya would give her permission for this. Chubukov replies that she will readily accept a match like him.
Lomov is left alone in the room. His body is trembling with excitement. He thinks about his present life. He wants to settle the question of his marriage at once. He thinks that now he should not delay. He thinks about Natalya. She is a skilled house-keeper. She is educated and is not bad to look at. At this age, he should not expect a better girl than her. Now he is thirty-five years old. Now he should lead a regulated life. He is suffering from serious diseases like palpitations, excitement and insomnia. Because of these reasons, he should marry.
Just then Natalya comes in. Her father has not told her that Lomov has come to meet her. He only told her that a customer had come. Even then she welcomes Lomov. Before Lomov can speak, she starts speaking-When she mentions his beautiful dress, he is again excited. Before he can talk about his marriage to her, he starts trembling. Natalya encourages him and he recovers. He says that he will tell her everything in brief. Even then he cannot talk in a straight-forward manner. He beat about the bush. He tells her that for the many decades their families have had good relations. Their estates are also adjoining. His Oxen Warbles touch their birch woods. Natalya protests against this. She says that the Oxen Meadows belong to her. they lay their claims to it. They start quarrelling about the ownership of the Oxen Meadows. They shout loudly at each other. They do not calm down in any way.
Chubukov comes in and finds them both quarrelling. He is greatly surprised. But when he finds that they are quarrelling about the ownership of the Oxen Meadows. he also becomes angry. Instead of calming them down, he also starts quarrelling. He claims to be the owner of the Meadows. He insults not only Lomov but also his family members. Lomov becomes more excited. He uses insulting words for Chubukov, Natalya and their family members. Lomov’s palpitation increases and he becomes very perturbed. He goes out of the room. Chubukov says how the foolish Lomov dared to bring a proposal for Natalya’s marriage. When Natalya hears this, she is deeply shocked. She is almost unconscious. She starts weeping and asks her father to bring tomor back. Chubukov feels sad. He says that it is the biggest misfortune to be the father of a girl. He goes out to call Lomov.
Lomov again enters the room. Natalya thinks that she will not annoy him this time. She tries to please him. She says that the Meadows belong to him. She tries to change the topic so that he could propose to her. But he is still not all right. He is feeling disturbed. He does not come to the point. Lomov starts praising the qualities of his dog Guess, which he has purchased for 125 rubles. But Natalya says that her dog Squeezer which she purchased for 85 roubles is much better than Lomov’s dog Guess. Both of them praise the qualities of their dogs. Now they start quarrelling on this topic. They again start shouting at each other. In the meantime, Chubukov comes. Instead of putting an end to their quarrel, he also starts quarrelling. In this dispute. Lomov’s condition deteriorates and he falls on the chair, unconscious. Both the father and the daughter thinks that he has died. Natalya starts lamenting that her chance of getting married has gone.
After sometime. Lomov comes to his senses. Chubukov tells Lomov that Natalya is willing for marriage. so he should marry her. Natalya expresses her willingness. Chubukov does not want to lose even a moment and joins their hands. He asks them to kiss each other. But soon, they start quarrelling again. They start debating the qualities of their respective dogs. Chubukov tries to calm them down. With this, the play comes to an end.


Quick Revision Notes


  • Lomov and Chubukov are both neighbours and landlords.
  • Lomov comes to Chubukov with a proposal of marriage with Chubukov’s daughter Natalya.
  • Lomov is 35 and wants to lead a peaceful married life.
  • He thinks that Natalya is an excellent housekeeper, and not bad looking.
  • He is excited and forgets the purpose of his visit.
  • He starts quarrelling with her over Oxen Meadows.
  • Natalya opposes Lomov and claims that Oxen Meadows belong to them.
  • Lomov is ready to show the documents to prove his ownership of Oxex Meadows.
  • He is ready to make Oxen Meadows a present to her.
  • Chubukov enters and adds fuel to the fire.
  • Chubukov sides with his daughter Natalya.
  • Lomov threatens to go to court.
  • They quarrel and indulge in abusing and insulting each other.
  • Natalya comes to know that Lomov has come there with a proposal of marriage.
  • She blames her father for not telling her about it before.
  • She threatens to die if Chubukov doesn’t bring Lomov back.
  • Lomov returns and now they pick up a new quarrel over their dogs.
  • Natalya says that her dog squeezer is far superior to Lomov’s dog Guess.
  • Lomov is excited and his palpitations start rising.
  • He falls down in the armchair and loses his consciousness.
  • Cheburkov is confused and threatens to cut his throat or shot himself.
  • Chuburkov doesn’t want to miss this opportunity.
  • He makes them embrace and kiss each other.
  • Chubukov blesses them a happy married life.


Character Sketches from The Proposal


Natalya: Natalya is talkative and short-tempered. She is very much concerned about her family’s honour and land. She is argumentative also. She argues with Lomov about the ownership of Oxen Meadows and the superiority of her dog Squeezer. She is very keen to get married.

Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov: Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov is a landowner. He has a helping nature towards Lomov. He loves his daughter and plays the role of a good father. He is in search of a good match for his daughter. He is a good selector of words. He calls Lomov my angel, treasure, etc. This shows his cunningness. When Chubukov finds Lomov fighting with Natalya, he immediately changes and starts to support his daughter. He uses many ill words for Lomov and tells him to leave his house.


Summary of The Proposal in Hindi


जब नाटक शुरु होता है तो हम देखते हैं कि लोमोव शुबुकोव के घर उससे मिलने के लिए आता है । शुबुकोव जोकि एक किसान का स्वागत करता है । वह उससे पूछता है कि वह औपचारिक पोशाक क्यों पहने हुए है, और क्या वह किसी विशेष कार्य के लिए जा रहा है । लोमोव उतर देता है कि वह कहीं और नहीं जा रहा है, वह तो उससे ही मिलने आया है ।लोमोव उत्तेजित और व्याकुल नज़र आता है । वह अपने-आपको शांत करता है और अपने आने का उदेश्य बताना आरंभ करता है । वह उसे बताता है कि वह पहले भी कई बार सहायता के लिए उसके पास आया है और उसने उसकी सहायता नहीं की है । अपना उदेश्य बताने से पहले ही लोमोव फिर से उत्तेजितहो जाता है । शुबुकोव मन में सोचता है कि शायद वह कर्ज लेने आया है । वह निश्चय कर लेता है कि वह उसे किसी प्रकार की सहायता नहीं देगा ।

लोमोव एक बार फिर शुबुकोव को अपने जाने के उद्देश्य के बारे में बताना चाहता है। लेकिन वह दोबारा उत्तेजित होजाता है । वह सहायता के बारे में बोतने की अपेक्षा अपने बारे में कुछ बढ़-चढ़कर बात करता है । शुबुकोवउसे इधर- उधर की बात न करके उसके आने के उद्देश्य की बात करने के लिए कहता है । लोमोव शक्ति बटोर लेता है और उसे बताता है कि वह उसकी बेटी नाताल्या का हाथ विवाह के लिए माँगने आया है । यह सुनकर शुबुकोव बहुत प्रसन्नहोता है । वह नाताल्या को बुलाने के लिए अंदर जाने लगता है । परंतु उससे पहले ही लोमोव उससे पूछता है कि क्या नाताल्या इसकी स्वीकृति देगी । शुबुकोव उसे उत्तर देता है कि वह उस जैसे अच्छे लड़के को तुरंत स्वीकार कर लेगी ।

लोमोव कमरे में अकेला रह जाता है ।उसका शरीर उत्तेजना से कांप रहा हैं । बह अपनेवर्तमान जीवन के बारे में सोचना शुरू कर देता है । वह अपनी शादी का मामला तुरंत तय कर देना चाहता हैं । वह सोचता है कि उसे अब ज्यादा देर नहीं करनी चाहिए । वह नाताल्या के बारे में सोचता है । वह एक कुशल गृहिणी हैं । वह पढी-लिखी हे ओर देखने में भी की बुरी नहीं है । इस आयु में उसे इससे अच्छी लड़की की आशा भी नहीं करनी चाहिए । वह पैंतीस वर्ष का चुका है । उसे अब एक नियमित जीवन बिताना चाहिए । वह दिल की धड़कन ,बौखलाहट और अनिद्रा जैसी भयकर बीमारियों से भी पीड़ित है । इन कारणों से उसे अब विवाह कर लेना चाहिए ।

इतने में नाताल्या अंदर आती है । उसके पितानेउसे नहीं बताया कि लोमोव उससे मिलने आया है उसने तो उसे यही बताया था कि कोई ग्राहक आया है । फिरभी वह लोमोव का स्वागत करती है । इससे पहले कि लोमोव कुछ बात करे , वह बात करना आरंभ कर देती है । तब वह उसकी सुंदर पोशाक की ओर संकेत करती है , वह फिर उत्तेजित हो उठता है ।इससे पहले कि वह उससे शादी के बारे में पूछे , वह काँपने लगता है । नाताल्या उसे प्रोत्साहित करती है और वह ठीक हो जाता है । वह कहता है कि उसे संक्षेप मेंसब कुछ बता देगा । फिरभी वह स्पष्ट रूप से बात नहीं कर पाता । वह वह इधर – उधर की बातें करने लगता है ।

वह उसे कहता हैं कि पिछले कई दशकों से उनके परिवारों के संबंध बहुत अच्छे हैं उनकी संपत्तियाँ भी साथ-साथ हैं। उनकीचरागाहैं उनके भोज-पत्र के वनों को छूतीहै । नाताल्या इस बात का विरोध करती है । वह कहती है कि चरागाहें उनकी हैं । दोनों ही उन पर अपना-अपना अधिकार जमाते हैं । इन चरागाहों की मलकियत के प्रश्न पर दोनों में झगड़ा आरंभ हो जाता है ।दोनों बहुत जोर से एक-दूसरे पर चिल्लाते हैं वे किसी भी प्रकार से शांत नहीं होते ।

शुबुकोव अंदर आता हैं। और उन्हें झगड़ते हुए देखता है । वह बड़ा हैरान होता हैं । परंतु जब उसे पता चलता है कि वे दोनों चरागाहों के स्वामित्वपर झगड़ रहें तो वह भी क्रोधित हो उठता है । उन्हें शांत करने की अपेक्षा वह भी लड़ने लग जाता है । वह चरागाहों के स्वामित्व का दावा करता हिया । वह न केवल लोमोव उसके परिवार के सदस्यों के लिए अपमानजनक शब्दों का प्रयोग करता है । लोमोव के दिल की धड़कन बढ़ जाती है और यह अत्यधिक अशांत हो उठता है। वह कमरे से बाहर चला जाता है ।

शुबुकोव कहता है कि इस मूर्ख लोमोव को उसकी बेटी के सामने शादी का प्रस्ताव रखने का साहस कैसे हुआ ? जैसे ही नाताल्या यह बात सुनती है, उसे बड़ा गहरा सदमा पहुँचता है। वह मुर्छित –सी हो जाती है । वह रोने लगती हैँ और अपने पिता से कहती है कि वह लोमोव को वापस लाए। शुबुकोव बहुत दुख अनुभव करता है । वह कहता है कि एक लड़की का बाप होना सबसे बड़ा दुर्भाग्य है । वह लोमोव को बुलाने बाहर चला जाता हैं ।

लोगोव दोबारा कमरे में प्रवेश करता है । नाताल्यासोचती है क्रि इस बार वह उसे फिर से नाराज नहीं करेगी । वह उसे प्रसन्न करने का प्रयत्न करती है । वह कहती है कि ये चरागाहें उसकी हैं । वह इस विषय को बदलना चाहती है ताकि वह (लोमोव) उसके सामने शादी का प्रस्ताव रखे । परंतु यह अब भी स्वस्थ नहीं है । उसे अब भी घबराहट अनुभव हो रही है । वह मतलब की बात नहीं करता ।

। लोमोव अपने कुत्ते गेस, जिसे उसने 125 रुबल में खरीदा है, की तारीफ करना आरंभ करता है । परंतु नाताल्या कहती है कि उसका कुत्ता स्कूईज़र, जिसे उसने 85 रूबल में खरीदा है, लोमोव के कुत्ते गेस से अच्छा हे । दोनों ही अपने-अपने कुत्तों के गुणों का वर्णन करने लगते हैं । अब वे इस विषय पर झगड़ना शुरु कर देते है । वे फिर एकदूसरे पर चीखना-चिल्लाना शुरु कर देते हैं इस बीच में शुबुकोव आ जाता है । उनके झगड़े को समाप्त करने की अपेक्षा वह भी झगड़ने लगता है । इस मतभेद में लोमोव की तबीयत हो जाती है और वह बेहोश होकर कुर्सी पर गिर जाता है । दोनों पिता-पुत्र समझते हैं कि वह मर गया है । नाताल्या विलाप करने जाती है क्योंकि उसके विवाह का अवसर जाता रहा है ।

कुछ देर के पश्चात लोमोव होश में आता है। शुबुकोव लोमोव से कहता है कि यह (नाताल्या) बिवाह के लिएतैयार है इसलिए वह उससे शादी कर ले । नाताल्या भी अपनी सहमति प्रकट करती है । शुबुक्रोवएक पल भी नहीं गँवाता और उन दोनों के हाथ मिला देता है । वहउनदोनोंकोएक-दूसरेका चुम्बन लेने के लिएकहता है ।परंतु शीघ्र ही वे दोनों फिर झगड़ने लग जाते है । वे अपने –अपने कुत्तों की विशेषताओं पर वाद-विवाद करने लग जाते हैं । शुबुकोव उन्हें फिर शांत करने का प्रयत्न करता है और इसके साथ ही नाटक समाप्त हो जाता है ।