The Little Girl

Summary of The Little Girl Class 9 Beehive

CBSE NCERT Revision Notes


Summary of the Chapter


Kezia was a little girl. She feared her father. She thought that her father was like a giant. He had big hands and a big neck. His mouth was also very big. She always avoided him. She thought that he was very cruel.

Kezia’s father worked in an office. He went to an office in the morning. Before going, he went to the little girl’s room. He gave her a casual kiss. The father went to the office in a carriage. She felt very happy when her father had gone.
In the evening, the little girl’s father came back. He spoke loudly in the house. Kezia feared her father’s loud voice. Her mother would ask her to go and take off his shoes. When she entered his room, he looked at her sternly. Kezia thought that her father was a hard-hearted person.

One day Kezia made a pin-cushion. She wanted to present it to her father on his birthday. She needed paper to stuff the pin-cushions. She found some sheets of paper in her father’s room. She tore the sheets to stuff the pin-cushion. Her father had written an important speech on them. He was very angry with her. He took a stick and beat her severely. He told her not to touch anything that did not belong to her. Kezia wept bitterly. She wondered why God had made fathers. Now she trembled even at the sight of her father.
One day, Kezia saw her neighbour, Mr. Macdonald. He was playing with his children. They all looked very happy. But Kezia’s father never played with her. Now she thought that there were different kinds of fathers in the world. Her own father was very cruel.

After a few days, Kezia’s mother became ill. Her grandmother took her to the hospital. Kezia was alone in the house with the nurse. She had to sleep alone in her bedroom. At night, she had a horrible dream. She saw that there was a botcher with a knife. She was terrified. She gave a loud cry. Her father came into her room. He lifted her and took her to his own bed. She lay beside her father. He was tired and fell asleep before her. She was lost in thoughts. She thought that he had to work hard every day. He came in the evening. Then he was too tired to play with her. She thought that it was her fault to tear those important papers. She realised that her father was not bad. He had a big and loving heart.


Quick Revision Notes


  • Kezia is a little girl, growing in her loving grandma’s care.
  • Kezia has formal relations with mother and father. She is afraid of her strict father so she stammered while talking to him. She thought him to be giant-sized.
  • On Sundays, Grandma sent her to spend time with parents but Kezia found her father lay down on the sofa to relax and mother busy in reading.
  • One day grandma, suggested her to prepare a gift for father’s birthday.
  • Kezia prepared a pincushion with a beautiful yellow silk cloth. For that, she needed scrap to fill it.
  • She took some papers from father’s room and store them up to stuff them in the pincushion. It was the father’s important speech for the Port Authority.
  • When Kezia was questioned, she admitted her act. Father beat Kezia with a ruler and she cried bitterly. She clung to grandma who consoled her.
  • Next door neighbour Mr. Macdonald plays with his children in the evening. After watching him, Kezia concludes that all fathers are not like hers.
  • One day, her mother got admitted to the hospital, she was alone at home under the care of the cook. Old nightmare haunted her – a butcher with a knife in his hand. She was too much afraid of it.
  • Father came to her room hugged her, carried her to his room to comfort her.
  • She realized that he was not so bad, but he was too busy to express his love. That night, she felt that her father had a big heart.


Character Sketches from The Little Girl


Kezia: Kezia, the young female protagonist of the story “The Little Girl”, is an emotional and sensitive girl. She is as much affected by her father’s disciplinarian attitude as by his love.
The behaviour of Kezia is typical of a young girl. She sees her father as the boss of the family who must be served properly all the time. So, she feels relieved when he leaves for work every morning.
Kezia is an obedient girl. She is afraid of her father and wishes to avoid him, still, she takes off his shoes when her mother asks her to. However, she fears her father so much that she begins to stutter in his presence. Sometimes she even thinks that there should not have been any fathers in this world. When she compares herself to other children, she is pained to observe that her father does not pamper her like the fathers of other children.
Kezia is innocent but impulsive. She makes a pin-cushion for her father as his birthday present but innocently picks up his important papers as stuffing for the pin-cushion. Impulsively, she tears those papers without seeking permission and hence spoils matters.
Kezia’s strong bond with her father comes to the fore when she is quick to observe his affection on the night she gets terrified by a bad dream. She feels happy when her father protectively takes her to his bed and comforts her. Her distrust for him changes into the appreciation for his hard work. She admires his big heart and discovers her love for him. She changes from a resenting and frightened girl to a soft-hearted, understanding and affectionate daughter.

Kezia’s Father: Kezia’s father displays two divergent characteristics in the story. Initially, he appears as a domineering, head of the family and demands complete obedience from other members. He wants them to be at his beck and call all the time. As soon as he returns home in the evening, he wants his tea brought to him along with the newspaper. Instead of taking off his shoes himself, he makes Kezia do it for him. He is so strict with his daughter that the poor girl stutters in front of him and feels relieved when he leaves for work in the morning.
This negative aspect of his personality is highlighted even more when he punishes Kezia with a ruler. It appears that he fails to understand the innocent emotions of his daughter who damages his papers accidentally.
However, the positive aspect of his persona surfaces when he takes care of his little girl in the absence of the women of the household. He not only carries her in his arms to his room but also tucks her comfortably in his bed. He asks her to rub her feet with his legs to make them warm. This reveals his paternal affection, protective nature, and caring attitude. Kezia’s father thus makes a typical father who poses a stern exterior which actually hides a soft, affectionate, and tender big heart, full of love.

Kezia’s Grandmother: Kezia’s Grandmother is addressed as ‘Grannie’ by Kezia and as ‘mother’ by Kezia’s father, her son. Her character comes up as a mature and understanding elder in a household. She does not question the authoritarian attitude of her son but keeps prodding her young granddaughter to make efforts to build her bond with her parents. She advises Kezia to talk nicely to her parents when they are relatively relaxed on Sunday afternoons. She does not interfere in any matters of the household and simply provides background support. When Kezia’s father punishes Kezia with a ruler, Grandmother wraps her in a shawl and rocks her in a chair clinging her to her soft body. She is a mature woman who understands that the upbringing of children is a delicate issue and parents should be allowed to discipline their children in their own way. Grandmother’s supportive character can also be seen when she accompanies her daughter-in-law to the hospital. Hence, the Grandmother is an important character even though she remains mostly in the backdrop.


Summary of The Little Girl in Hindi


केज़िया एक छोटी लड़की थी । वह अपने पिता से डरती थी । वह सोचती थी कि उसका पिता एक दैत्य की तरह है उसके बड़े हाथ और बड़ी गर्दन थी । उसका मुंह भी बहुत बड़ा था । वह सदा उससे बचती थी । वह सोचती थी कि वह बहुत क्रूर है । केज़िया का पिता एक दफ्तर में काम करता था । वह सुबह दफ्तर जाता था । जब उसका पिता चला जाता था तो वह बहुत प्रसन्न होती थी ।

शाम को छोटी लड़की का पिता लौट आता था । वह घर में जोर से बोलता था । केज़िया अपने पिता की तेज आवाज़ से डरती थी । उसकी माँ उसे कहती थी कि वह उसके जूते उतारे । जब वह उसके कमरे में घुसती थी तो वह उसकी ओर कठोरता से देखता था । केज़िया का विचार था कि उसका पिता एक कठोर –ह्रदय व्यक्ति है ।

एक दिन केज़िया ने पिन लगाने का कुशन बनाया। वह इसे अपने पिता को उसके जन्मदिन पर भेंट करना चाहती थी । पिन कुशन को भरने के लिए उसे कागज की आवश्यकता थी । उसे अपने पिता के कमरे में कुछ पन्ने मिले । उसने पिन-कुशन को भरने के लिए उन पन्नों को फाड़ दिया । उसके पिता ने उन पर एक महत्त्वपूर्ण भाषण लिखा था । वह उससे बहुत नाराज हुआ । उसने एक छड़ी ली और उसे बहुत पीटा। उसने उससे कहा कि वह ऐसी किसी वस्तु को हाथ न लगाए जो उसकी नहीं है । केज़िया बहुत रोई । उसे हैरानी हुई कि भगवान् ने पिता क्यों बनाए हैं। अब यह अपने पिता को देखने से भी काँपती थी ।

एक दिन केज़िया ने अपने पडोसी श्री मैक्डोनाँल्ड को देखा । वह अपने बच्चों के साथ खेल रहा था । वे सब बहुत प्रसन्न आते थे । परन्तु केज़िया का पिता उसके साथ कभी नहीं खेलता था । अब उसने सोचा कि संसार में अलग-अलग प्रकार के पिता होते हैं। उसका अपना पिता बहुत अत्याचारी था ।

कुछ दिनों के पश्चात केज़िया की माँ बीमार पड़ गई । उसकी दादी उसे अस्पताल ले गई । केज़िया घर में अपनी आया के अकेली थी । उसे अपने शयनकक्ष में अकेली सोना पड़ा । रात को उसे एक भयानक सपना आया । उसने देखा कि चाकू लिए हुए एक कसाई है । वह डर गई । उसने जोर की चीख मारी । उसका पिता उसके कमरे में आया । उसने उसे उठाया और अपने बिस्तर में ले गया । वह अपने पिता के पास लेटी रही । वह थका हुआ था और उससे पहले सो गया । वह विचारों में खो गई । उसने सोचा कि उसे सारा दिन कठिन परिश्रम करना होता है । यह शाम को घर जाता है । तब यह इतना थका होता है कि उसके साथ खेल नहीं सकता । उसने सोचा कि उसके महत्वपूर्ण कागज फाड़ना एक गलती थी । उसने महसूस किया कि उसका पिता बुरा नहीं था । उसका दिल बड़ा और प्यार करने वाला था ।