Evelyn Glennie (The Sound of Music)

Summary of Evelyn Glennie (The Sound of Music) Class 9 Beehive

CBSE NCERT Revision Notes


Summary of the Chapter


This chapter tells about the life story of a Scottish girl named Evelyn Glennie. When she was eight years old, it was noticed for the first time that she had lost her hearing capacity to some extent. She managed to conceal it from her friends and teachers in the school. But when she was eleven, the case of her deals got confirmed. She had lost her hearing capacity in total. It happened as a result of gradual nerve damage. Everything had turned black for her.

But she did not give up to it. She was determined to lead a normal life. She learned music. A famous percussionist Ron Forbes helped her a lot in the learning of music. He encouraged her. Ile told her not to hear music through her ears but through some other way. She practiced hard and got success in listening to music through other organs of her body. She had learned to open her mind and body to sounds and vibrations.

She never looked behind from that point onwards. She toured the United Kingdom with a youth orchestra. At the age of sixteen, she decided to make music her life. She gave an audition for the Royal Academy of music. She scored one of the highest marks in the history of the academy. She had got a mastery of some 1000 instruments of music.

She could listen and understand even the minutes’ point. It seems impossible that a deaf person like her can respond to the things so fluently. She spoke flawlessly with a Scottish lilt. She says that music pours in through every part of her body. It tingles in the skin, her cheekbones and even her hair. When she plays the xylophone, she can listen to its music through the fingertips. By leaning against the drums, she can listen to the echoes in her heart. She performs barefooted on a wooden platform so that music may reach to her heart through her feet and legs.

In 1991 she was presented with the Royal Philharmonic Society’s prestigious Soloist of the Year Award. She calls her a workaholic. Apart from the regular concerts, she gives free performances in prisons and in hospitals. She also gives high priority to classes for young musicians. She is a shining inspiration for deaf children.


Quick Revision Notes


  • Evelyn Glennie was a seventeen-year-old girl, she had decided to make music her life. But she was completely deaf.
  • This aspiring musician, feels the vibration of an approaching train, has been selected for training at the prestigious Royal Academy of Music in London.
  • Glennie started losing her hearing power gradually from the age of eight due to nerve damage.
  • She was advised to be sent to school for the deaf. But Evelyn was determined to lead a normal life and pursue her interest in music.
  • Most people discouraged her but percussionist Ron Forbes noticed her potential and motivated her to feel the music in different parts of her body.
  • Evelyn immediately realized higher drum from the waist up and lower drum from the waist down.
  • During her 3 years course in Royal Academy of Music, Evelyn scored highest marks in the history of the Academy, she got most of the top awards and started giving solo-performances.
  • According to her, “If you work hard and know where you are going, you’ll get there”.
  • It is fascinating to watch Evelyn working without much effort. She speaks clearly as she could listen till the age of eleven. During the conversation, she watches lip movement, face and especially the eyes.
  • She had learned French and basic Japanese.
  • While playing instruments, she remained barefoot on a wooden platform, so that the vibrations pass through her bare feet and up her legs. She could feel the music through every part of her body.
  • She has been a workaholic and has been rewarded enormously.
  • Besides regular concerts, she has given free concerts in prisons and hospitals. Teaching young musicians is her top priority. Her life is an inspiration for all differently-abled people.


Character Sketches from Evelyn Glennie (The Sound of Music)


Evelyn Glennie: Evelyn was a determined and hardworking girl. With her strong will power, she overcame the obstacle that was gifted to here by Nature. In childhood, she lost her hearing capabilities gradually. At the age of eleven years, her hearing power was severely damaged. In spite of her handicap, she did not want to give up. She took music as her passion. Her teachers discouraged her but percussionist Ron Forbes guided her. She joined a three-year course at the Royal Academy of Music. She captured the most of top awards at the Royal Academy. She is the world’s most sought multiplayer of drums and tables.

Ron Forbes: He was a percussionist. He identified Evelyn potential and supported her in achieving her goal. He trained her to sense the music through different parts of her body. He certainly played a great role in helping Evelyn achieve her goal. He was a perfect teacher and lift his marks in the world of music.


Summary of Evelyn Glennie (The Sound of Music) in Hindi


यह अध्याय इवलिन ग्लेनि नाम की एक स्कॉटिश लड़की के जीवन के बारे में वर्णन करता है । जव वह आठ वर्ष की थी तो पहली बार इस बात का आभास हुआ कि उसने किसी स्तर तक अपनी सुनने की शक्ति को खो दिया था । वह स्कूल में अपने मित्रों और अध्यापकों से इस बात को छिपाए रखने में सफल रही । लेकिन जब यह ग्यारह बर्ष की हुई तो उसके बहरेपन का केस पक्का हो गया । अब उसकी सुनाई देने की क्षमता पूर्ण रूप से नष्ट हो चुकी थी । यह सब कुछ एक धीमी प्रक्रिया के अंतर्गत नाडी के नष्ट हो जाने के कारण हुआ था । उसके लिए तो सब कुछ अंधेरा हो चुका था ।

लेकिन उसने हिम्मत नहीं हारी । वह एक सामान्य जीवन जीने के लिए दृढ निश्चयी थी । उसने संगीत सीखा । एक प्रसिद्ध तबलावादक रोन फोर्बज़ ने संगीत सीखने में उसकी वहुत अधिक मदद की । उसने उसे प्रोत्साहित क्रिया । उसने उसे बताया कि यह कानों के माध्यम से संगीत न सुनकर किसी अन्य माध्यम से संगीन सुनने का प्रयास करे । उसने कठोर परिश्रम किया । और अपने शरीर के अन्य अंगों के माध्यम से संगीत सुनने में सफल रही । उसने आवाजों और स्पदनों के प्रति अपने शरीर और मन को खोलना शुरु कर दिया ।

इस स्थान से उसने कभी भी पीछे मुड़कर नहीं देखा । उसने एक युवा आर्केस्टा के साथ यूनाइटिड किंगडम (इंग्लैंड) का भ्रमण किया ।

16 वर्ष की आयु में, उसने संगीत को अपना जीवन बनाने का निर्णय ले लिया । उसने संगीत की रॉयल अकैडमी के लिए परीक्षा दी । उसने अकैडमी के आ ज तक के इतिहास में सबसे अधिक अंक प्राप्त किए । उसने संगीत के लगभग 100 वाद्य यंत्रों में विशिष्टता हासिल कर ली ।

वह छोटी-से-छोटी बात को भी सुन और समझ सकती थी । यह बात बिल्कुल असंभव -सी दिखाई जान पड़ती है कि उस जैसी बहरी इतने धारा प्रवाह रूप से चीजों के उत्तर देती है । वह बिना किसी गलती के स्कॉटिश लहजे के साथ बोलती थी । वह कहती है कि उसके शरीर के प्रत्येक अंग के माध्यम से उसके अंदर संगीत का प्रवाह होता है । संगीत उसकी त्वचा, गालों की हड्डियों तथा यहाँ तक कि बालों में से भी झुनझुनाता रहता है । जव यह जायलोफोन बजाती है तो उसकी उगंलियों के सिरों के माध्यम से उसके शरीर के अंदर संगीत का प्रवाह होता है । ढोलक के ऊपर झुककर उसकी गूंज को यह अपने ह्रदय से सुनती है । लकड़ी से बने मंच पर यह संगे पांव संगीत बजाती है ताकि संगीत उसके पांवों तथा उसकी टांगों के माध्यम से उसके हदय तक पहुंच सके ।