
Summary of Bholi Class 10 Footprints without Feet

CBSE NCERT Revision Notes


Summary of the Chapter


Ramlal was the Numberdar of the village. He had four daughters and three sons. All his children were very healthy but his youngest daughter Sulekha was a backward child. When she was ten months old she fell down from the cot and a pan of her brain was damaged.
When she was two years old she had an attack of smallpox. Her face was permanently disfigured by deep black pock-marks. She started speaking at the age of five years but she stammered. So everyone called her Bholi.
She was considered as a witless fool even by her parents, her sisters and her brothers. None cared for her. Ramlars eldest daughter Radha had already been married. The second daughter Mangla’s marriage had also been settled. Ramlal was worried only about Bholi.
A primary school for girls was opened in the village. The Tehsildar Sahib came to perform its opening ceremony. He asked Ramlal to set an example before the village by sending his daughters to school. Both Ramlal and his wife were not in favor of girl education but Ramlal had not the courage to disobey the Tehsildar. So they decided to send Bholi to school.
The next day Ramlal asked Bholi to go to school with him. ‘Bholi did not know anything about school. She was frightened. She refused to go anywhere.
Ramlal asked his wife to give some decent clothes to Bholi. New clothes had never been made for Bholi but that day she was lucky to receive a clean dress. She was even bathed and oil was rubbed into her dry and matted hair. She thought that she was being taken to a place better than her house.
When they reached the school, Bholi saw many girls of her age sitting in the rooms. The headmistress asked Bholi to sit down in a corner in one of the classrooms. The lady teacher in the class was very good. The teacher asked her about her name but she could not speak her full name. She began to weep.
When the school was off for the day the teacher asked Bholi to come the next day and Bholi nodded. Bholi became familiar to the teacher. The teacher drove out her sense of fear. Now she began to speak without stammering a little.
Now, Bholi was grown up. She had passed many classes. Her father got a marriage proposal for her from Bishamber who was a rich grocer from the neighboring village. He was about fifty years old. He walked with limbs. He had children from his earlier wife. Ramlal accepted the proposal and asked Bishamber to come with bar at.
Bishamber came with great pomp and show for the wedding. Everybody was joyful. All the friends and relatives of Ramlal and Bishamber were present there. Bholi dressed in red was brought there. When Bishamber was about to put the garland around Bholi’s neck, a lady pulled back Bholi’s veil.
Bishamber saw Bholi’s face covered with pock-marks. He refused to many her. After many requests but he agreed to put a condition that he would marry Bholi only when Ramlal would give him five thousand rupees.
Ramlal put the bundle of five thousand rupees on Bishamber’s feet. Bishamber was feeling victorious. He raised the garland to place it around the bride’s neck but Bholi struck the garland away. Bholi said that she would not marry such a mean, greedy and cowardly person. The bar at was returned empty-handed without a bride.
Ramlal was full of grief and shame. Bholi consoled her father that she would serve them in their old age and she said that she would teach in the same school where she got the education.


Quick Revision Notes


  • Bholi was the youngest daughter of Ramlal.
  • She damaged a part of her brain when she fell off from her cot just when she was ten months old.
  • When she was two years old, she had an attack of smallpox.
  • A fair and pretty child was disfigured with pock-marks.
  • Bholi was thought to be a simpleton and a backward child who stammered while speaking.
  • All other daughters of Ramlal were good looking and healthy.
  • Ramlal was worried about Bholi as she had neither good looks or intelligence.
  • The `Tehsildar’ inaugurated a primary school for girls in the village.
  • He asked `Numberdar’ Ramlal to set an example before the villagers by sending all his daughters to school.
  • Ramlal couldn’t disobey the Tehsildar and it was decided to send Bholi to school.
  • Bholi was bathed, oil was rubbed into her malty hair and she was given a clean dress that no more fitted Champa.
  • Then Bholi started to think that school was a better place than home.
  • At school, Bholi was pleased to see so many girls of her age and hoped to befriend one of them.
  • The teacher asked her name but she couldn’t pronounce it.
  • Bholi was ashamed that even after so many efforts, she couldn’t pronounce her name.
  • The teacher was very friendly and sympathetic and encouraged her to try again.
  • At last, Bholi succeeded in saying Th-Bh-Bho-Bholi” and the teacher patted her for her success.
  • The teacher assured her that very soon she would start speaking like all others, without stammering.
  • She gave a picture book to Bholi and hoped that she would finish it within a month.
  • The teacher encouraged and assured Bholi that she would be the most learned girl in the whole village.
  • An offer for marriage came from a prosperous grocer, Bishamber, for Bholi.
  • The bridegroom was rich, had his own house and thousands of rupees in the bank.
  • The bridegroom was almost the same age as her father and he limped. He had also grown-up children from his first wife.
  • Bholi reluctantly agreed for marriage just to keep the ‘honor’ of her family.
  • On the wedding day, Bishamber came with a large party of friends and relatives.
  • When Bishamber was ready to garland Bholi, he happened to see her face suddenly.
  • He cried that he would not many a girl with pock-marks.
  • Ramlal put his turban at his feet, but he was not moved.
  • At last, he agreed to marry Bholi, if her father gave him 5000 rupees as dowry.
  • In the end, Ramlal went inside and came out with a bundle of notes and put it at the feet of the bridegroom.
  • When Bishamber was about to garland Bholi, she snatched the garland and threw it away into the fire.
  • She said that she would not many a mean, greedy and a coward like Bishamber.
  • Everyone including her parents was stunned to hear Bholi speaking all this without stammering.
  • Ramlal called her crazy and asked what she would do as no one would ever marry her.
  • Bholi replied that she would serve her parents in their old age and teach in the same school from where she had learned so much.
  • Her teacher was seeing the whole drama standing in a corner, agreed with Bholi and said. “Yes, Bholi, of course.


Character Sketches from Bholi


Bholi: Bholi was the youngest of Ramlal’s four daughters. All other daughters were good-looking and healthy. Bholi was considered just a simpleton. Her stammering made her a stock of laughter for children. Her pock-marks had disfigured her badly. She had neither good looks nor intelligence. She was like “a harmless dumb cow” who didn’t know how to express herself properly. At birth, Bholi was very fair and pretty. When she was just ten months old, she fell off her cot. Perhaps a part of her brain was damaged. When she was two years old, she had an attack of smallpox. Her eyes were saved but deep black pock-marks disfigured her.

  • Thought to be a simpleton
  • Had pock-marks over the body
  • Went to school; teacher encouraged her
  • Refused to many a greedy and mean person
  • Decided to serve old parents and teach in the same school.

Ramlal was the Numberdar of his village. He had a respectable position in the village. He had four daughters and three sons. He was a loving father. He sent his sons to the city for education. He searched for good bridegrooms for his three daughters. He was worried about his youngest daughter Bholi. He took her to’ school. He asked his wife to bathe Bholi and give her clean clothes. He did not want to marry Bholi with Bishamber who was almost of his age. He wanted to consult Bholi in this matter. But it seems that he was in wife’s influence. Even in the end, he parted with five thousand rupees for the sake of Bholi’s happiness. Thus he was a good father.

  • Father of seven children.
  • Worried about Bholi, neither good-looking nor intelligent.
  • Overlooked Bishamber’s age and limping.
  • Suffered from a false sense of honor.

The Teacher: The lady teacher who taught Bholi’s class was really an ideal teacher. She had all the mobility and maturity that are the hallmarks of her profession. She was kind-hearted and understanding. She knew how to deal with a child of special needs like Bholi. When she noticed her, she smiled and asked her name. Bholi stammered: “Bho —Bho —Bho.” The girls laughed but the teacher assured her. The teacher’s voice was soft and soothing. She again asked to tell her name. It was not a command. All her life she had never been called like that.

The teacher persisted in her efforts to make her pronounce her full name without stammering. And she did succeed. Bholi pronounced: “Bh—Bh—Bho—Bholi.” Even Bholi was surprised at how she was able to say it.

 With affection and tender love, the teacher dealt with the unfortunate child. She gave her a book of pictures and hoped she would finish it within a month. She assured Bholi that one day she would be more learned than anybody else in the village.

The teacher had all along stood in a corner during the wedding day of Bholi. She was watching the whole drama. She heard Bholi say that she would teach in the same school where she had learnt so much. Bholi looked towards for her confirmation. The teacher replied promptly; “Yes, Bholi, of course.”

  • Kind and sympathetic.
  • Encouraged Bholi to speak.
  • Increased Bholi’s interest in books.
  • Agreed to accept Bholi as a teacher in the same school.

Bishamber Nath: Bishamber Nath was a well-to-do grocer. He had a big shop. He had a house of his own and thousands of rupees in the bank. He was a widower. He had children from his first wife. They were quite grown up now. Bishamber was an unequal match for Bholi. He was almost of the age of her father. He limped too. But Bholi’s parents thought him a good match for Bholi. He ignored his age and limping and accepted Bishamber’s proposal of marriage. Of course, Bholi was not even consulted.  Bishamber Nath wanted to dazzle Bholi’s parents with his wealth. He came with a large party of friends and relatives for the wedding. A brass band moved ahead playing a popular filmy tune. Ramlal was overjoyed to see this pomp and grandeur. Bishamber Nath showed his true colour when he found that the bride had pockmarks on her face. He shamelessly demanded five thousand rupees as dowry to marry such a girl. Ramlal put even his turban at his feet. Bishamber didn’t budge and Ramlal put a bundle of notes at his feet.

Bishamber was rightly punished and humiliated in the end. The ‘dumb cow’ got her tongue now. She threw away the wedding garland into the fire. She refused to many such a mean, greedy and worthless man. Bholi did the right thing by rejecting such a person.


Summary of Bholi in Hindi


रामलाल गांव का नंबरदार था | उसकी चार बेटियां और तीन बेटे थे | उसके सभी बच्चे बहुत स्वस्थ थे लेकिन उसकी सबसे छोटी बेटी सुलेखा पिछड़ी हुई बच्ची थी | जब वह दस महीने की थी वह चारपाई से नीचे गिर गई थी और उसके दिमाग का एक हिस्सा क्षतिग्रस्त हो गया था |

जब वह दो वर्ष की थी तो उसे चेचक की बीमारी का प्रकोप हो गया | उसका चेहरा चेचक के गहरे काले दागों के कारण स्थाई रूप से कुरूप हो गया | उसने 5 वर्ष की आयु में बोलना शुरू किया लेकिन वह हकलाकार बोलती थी | इसलिए सभी उसे भोली कहने लगे |
यहां तक कि उसके माता-पिता, उसकी बहनें और उसके भाई भी उसे मंदबुद्धि मानते थे | कोई भी उसकी देखभाल नहीं करता था | रामलाल की सबसे बड़ी बेटी राधा की पहले ही शादी हो चुकी थी | दूसरी बेटी मंगला की शादी तय हो चुकी थी | रामलाल केवल भोली के बारे में चिंतित था |
गांव में लड़कियों के लिए प्राथमिक विद्यालय खुला | इसके उद्घाटन समारोह पर तहसीलदार साहब आए थे | उसने रामलाल से कहा कि वह अपनी बेटियों को स्कूल भेजकर गांव के सामने एक उदाहरण प्रस्तुत करें | रामलाल और उसकी पत्नी दोनों लड़कियों को पढ़ाने के पक्ष में नहीं थे लेकिन रामलाल में तहसीलदार की बात को न मानने का साहस नहीं था | इसलिए उसने भोली को स्कूल भेजने का निर्णय लिया | 
अगले दिन रामलाल ने भोली को अपने साथ स्कूल जाने के लिए कहा | भोली स्कूल के बारे में कुछ भी नहीं जानती थी | वह डरी हुई थी | उसने कहीं भी जाने से मना कर दिया |
रामलाल ने अपनी पत्नी को भोली को कुछ सुंदर वस्त्र देने के लिए कहा | कभी भी भोली के लिए नए वस्त्र नहीं बनवाए गए थे लेकिन उस दिन वह एक साफ-सुथरी पोशाक पहनकर भाग्यशाली लग रही थी | यहां तक कि उसे स्नान करवाया गया और उसके सूखे बालों में तेल भी लगाया गया | उसने सोचा कि उसे अपने घर से अच्छे किसी स्थान पर ले जाया जा रहा था |
जब वे स्कूल पहुंचे, भोली ने कमरों में अपनी आयु की लड़कियों को बैठे हुए देखा | मुख्याध्यापिका ने भोली को कक्षा के एक कमरे में एक कोने में बैठ जाने के लिए कहा | कक्षा में जो महिला अध्यापक थी वह बहुत अच्छी थी | अध्यापिका ने उससे उसका नाम पूछा लेकिन वह अपना पूरा नाम नहीं बोल सकी | उसने रोना शुरू कर दिया |

जब दिन के लिए स्कूल की छुट्टी हो गई, अध्यापिका ने भोली को अगले दिन भी स्कूल आने के लिए कहा और भोली ने हाँ में सिर हिला दिया | भोली को अध्यापिका से लगाव हो गया | अध्यापिका ने उसके अंदर से डर की भावना को बाहर निकाल दिया | अब उसने जरा भी हकलाए बिना बोलना शुरू कर दिया था |
अब भोली बड़ी हो गई थी | उसने कई कक्षाएं पास कर ली थीं | उसके पिता को विशंवर, जोकि पास के गांव में एक समृद्ध पंसारी था, की ओर से भोली के साथ शादी का प्रस्ताव मिला | वह लगभग पचास वर्ष का था | वह लंगड़ाकर चलता था | उसकी पहली पत्नी से बच्चे भी थे | रामलाल ने शादी के प्रस्ताव को स्वीकार कर लिया और बिंशबर से बरात लेकर आने को कहा |

बिशंभर शादी के लिए खूब शानो-शौकत के साथ आया | सभी प्रसन्न थे | रामलाल और बिंशबर के सभी मित्र और रिश्तेदार वहां उपस्थित थे | लाल रंग के वस्त्र पहने भोली वहां लाई गई | जब विशंभर भोली की गले में हार डालने वाला था, एक महिला ने भोली के घूंघट को पीछे सरका दिया |

बिशंभर ने चेचक के दागों से भरे भोली के चेहरे को देखा | उसने उसके साथ शादी करने से मना कर दिया | अनेक प्रार्थनाओं के पश्चात उसने यह शर्त रख दी कि वह भोली के साथ तभी शादी करेगा यदि उसका पिता उसे पाँच हज़ार रूपए नगद देगा |

रामलाल ने पाँच हज़ार रुपये का बंडल बिशंबर के कदमों में रख दिया विशंबर विजयी अनुभव कर रहा था | उसने दुल्हन के गले में डालने के लिए माला उठाई लेकिन भोली ने माला को टकराकर दूर गिरा दिया | भोली ने कहा कि वह ऐसे कमीने, लालची और कायर के साथ शादी नहीं करेगी | बारात दुल्हन के बिना खाली हाथ लौट गई |
रामलाल दु:ख और शर्म से पीड़ित था | भोली ने अपने पिता को सांत्वना दी कि वह वृद्धावस्था में उनकी सेवा करेगी और उसने कहा कि वह उसी स्कूल में पढ़ाया करेगी जिसमें उसने शिक्षा प्राप्त की थी |