The Lost Child

Extra Questions for The Lost Child Class 9 Moments English

Important Questions


He could not suppress the desire of his heart, even though he well knew the cold stare of refusal in their eyes.

a. What does ‘he’ well know?

b. What ‘desire of his heart’ is being talked of?

c. Why has the narrator said that ‘he’ couldn’t suppress his heart’s desire?

d. What did the child do when he couldn’t suppress his desire?


a. The child knows it well that his parents will refuse to buy anything, he will ask for.

b. The child has the desire to get the toys from the shops in the fair.

c. The narrator said that he couldn’t suppress his heart’s desire as the child demanded the toy to his father even though he knew well that he would not get it.

d. The child asked for the toy when he couldn’t suppress his heart’s desire.

Passage Based


Thinking to humour his disconsolate charge by a gift of sweets, the man took him to counter of sweet shop.

a. Who is ‘the man’ being referred here?

b. What was the man trying to do?

c. What was the real intention of the man?

d. What do you mean by the phrase-to humor the disconsolate charge?


a. He was the kind man who was helping the child to find his parents.

b. First of all, the man was trying to comfort the child who was frantically searching his father and mother.

c. The man intended to pacify the child know something about his parents.

d. To humor the disconsolate charge means the man was trying to make the sad and unhappy child feel comfortable.

Passage Based


“Look! Can you smell those nice flowers, child! Would you like a garland to put round your neck?’’

a. Who is the speaker in the above lines?

b. What does he want to offer?

c. Why does the speaker want do so?

d. How did the child react to this?


a. The kind hearted man who was helping the child spoke the given lines.

b. The man wants to offer the child the garland of gul mohur flowers.

c. The speaker simply wanted to divert the child’s attention to comfort him for the time being.

d. The child turned his nose away from the basket and reiterated his sob.

Passage Based


Having run to and fro in a rage of running for a while, he stood defeated, his cries suppressed into sobs.

a. What is the child’s state of mind being described here?

b. What was the child exactly doing?

c. Why do you think, he stood defeated?

d. Explain the phrase-cries suppressed into sobs.


a. The extract describes the child panic stricken after getting lost.

b. The child was running to and fro in search of his parents, at last stood crying when couldn’t find them anywhere.

c. He stood defeated as his efforts to see them were exhausted and as if he had no hope.

d. It means that the child was almost on the verge of crying but was controlling.

Passage Based


His father looked at him red-eyed, in his familiar tyrant’s way.

a. Who father is spoken of in the above lines?

b. What made the father angry?

c. Why do you think ‘familiar tyrant’s way’ mean?

d. How did the mother react to this?


a. The extract speaks about the father of the lost child.

b. The child’s demand for the toy made the father angry.

c. The phrase means the unkind looks of father which the child was familiar with.

d. The mother tried to distract the child elsewhere.

Passage Based


But he half knew his parents as he begged that his plea would not be headed because his parents would say he was greedy.

a. What was the child hesitating for?

b. What was the child’s plea?

c. Why do you think his father was not granting his plea?

d. What nature of the father is being reflected from the above extracts?


a. The child was hesitating to ask for his favourite sweet, burfi.

b. The child wished his father to get him sweets.

c. The father might not want the child to be pampered, so he didn’t grant him his wishes.

d. The father seems to be unkind, but basically practical person.

Passage Based


“How did you get here, child? Whose baby are you?’’ the man asked as he steered clear of the mass.

a. Who spoke the above lines?

b. What has exactly happened?

c. Describe the child’s situation.

d. What do you mean by ‘steered clear of the mass.’


a. The kind man picked the child up and spoke the above lines.

b. The man finds the child crying alone in the trampling crowd , lifts the child in his arms.

c. The child was running quickly towards the shrine, in the hope that he would meet his parents.

d. The phrase ‘steered clear the mass’ means making the way through the crowd.

Passage Based


The man, still trying to make the child happy, bore with him to the gate where the flower seller sat. “Look! Can you smell those nice flowers, child! Would you like a garland to put round your neck?’’

a. Why was the man trying to make the child happy?

b. Where did they reach?

c. How was the man trying to make the child happy?

d. What do you think was the child’s response to this?


a. The man was trying to make the child happy and comfortable with him as he had realized that the child had been lost.

b. They reached the place near where the flower seller was selling the flowers.

c. The man was trying to get him the gulmohur garland which he thought would make him happy.

d. The child turned away his nose indicating his disapproval for it.

Passage Based


What aspects evidently show that the child was a nature lover?


The child is curiously attracted to the flowering mustard fields on the way. He is a keen observer of natural elements around like dragon flies, bees, butterflies, insects and worms. He forgets his parents when he busied himself collecting showering petals of the flowers, also leaves the petals quickly and gets attracted to cooing doves in the grove. This clearly shows the child’s love for nature.

Answer in 30 words


When did the child feel that his parents would call him ‘greedy’?


The child was sure every time about the negative reactions of his parents. When he came across beautifully arranged, multi colored sweets at the sweet shop, his mouth watered for his favorite ‘burfi’. He was sure that his parents would not purchase him the burfi, instead they would call him ‘greedy’.

Answer in 30 words


Describe the moment when the child realizes that he is lost.


The child was deeply fascinated by many objects in the fair. There was a roundabout in full swing. The child stood watching men, women and children carried in whirling motion, screaming and laughing joyfully. When he requested his parents for a ride and received no response from them, made him realize that he was lost.

Answer in 30 words


What was the child’s reaction when the man took him to the balloon seller?


When the kind man took the child to the balloon seller in the hope that those attractive and colourful balloons would quieten him. Surprisingly, the child turned his eyes away from the balloons, sobbed and just asked for his parents.

Answer in 30 words


Why was the child lagging behind in the crowd?


There were many things in the fair to fascinate the small child. For sure he might have not got such frequent opportunity to derive joy from all these fascinations like sweets, flower garlands, snake charmer’s tune, toys etc. Very often, he was losing the track of his parents in the crowd as it was difficult for him to ignore all the attractions.

Answer in 30 words


What excuse will the parents provide for not buying the flowers for the child?


The child in the story knows very well that his parents turn his every demand down by some or the other reasons. He thinks that father would not buy him the flowers saying that they were cheap, whereas he was irresistibly drawn by those gulmohur garlands.

Answer in 30 words


What were the things the child enjoyed on his way to the fair?


The child enjoyed many things on his way to the fair. He could see attractive toys, beautiful mustard fields, dragon flies, butterflies, bees and insects, flower petals and cooing doves in the grove. As he came closer to the crowded center of the fair, he was tempted by the sweets, colorful balloons, flower garlands which were being sold by flower seller, a snake charmer entertaining the people etc. Finally the child missed his parents when he was lost watching merry faces of men, women, children at roundabouts.

Answer in 30 words


How did the child feel when he saw the sweets?


When the child came across a sweetmeat seller hawking gulab jamun, rasagulla, burfi, jalebi. All of them were nicely arranged, decorated with leaves of silver and gold, he stared with open eyed and his mouth watered looking at them. He wished to have his favorite burfi but avoided thinking that his request would not be listened.

Answer in 30 words


What do you think, what happens in the end?


The author Mulk Raj Anand has not provided any solid end to the story. It’s the readers’ guessing. I think the kind man must have helped the child to be united with his parents. As it might have been a smaller place, it would have been possible for that man to hand over the child to his parents with little efforts.

Answer in 30 words


Why did the child lose interest in all those things which he wanted earlier?


The child refused all those things which he earnestly wanted earlier like sweets, balloons, garland etc. The reason is quite obvious, after getting separated from his parents in the crowd, he lost his interest in all those things. He just wanted to see his parents and ensure his own safety and security.

Answer in 30 words


How did the child enjoy in the grove?


The nature lover child was already fascinated by the passing fields, butterflies, insects etc. His parents called him from the shade of a grove. As he entered the grove, a shower of young flowers fell upon the child. He enjoyed gathering the petals. Next, he heard the cooing of the doves. When his parents called him, he was running in wild capers round the banyan tree.

Answer in 30 words


What message does the author wish to convey through the story?


The story is open for many interpretations. The message we receive is that we will have many temptations on our way of life, but we must know what is ultimately important for us. Enjoy the things, have the variety of experiences like the child in the story; but not at the cost of our safety.

Answer in 30 words


Why didn’t the child wait to listen the snake charmer’s music?


The child was attracted towards snake charmer’s music which made the snake raise its head .The child went to the snake charmer but he didn’t dare to wait there as he knew his parents had forbidden him from listening such kind of coarse music.

Answer in 30 words


How and where does the child meet the man?


The child was frantically searching the parents after getting lost. He ran towards the shrine where he could see the rushing crowd. Every little inch of space was crowded with people. The child was struggling to get his way through the trampling crowd. He might have been crushed underfoot, if he had not cried loudly. A kind man saw him and lifted him gently into his arms.

Answer in 30 words


What does the child do when the man took him to the snake charmer?


When the kind man took the child to the snake charmer in the hope that he would stop crying, the child shut his ears with his fingers and shrieked in double pitched tone for his father and mother. It shows his loss of interest in the things which he was interested in earlier.

Answer in 30 words


Describe the way the child enjoyed with the dragon flies and butterflies.


The child followed the dragon flies in the air with his gaze, till one of them would still its wings and rest, he would try to catch it. But it would fly fluttering its wings, when he thought he had almost caught it. This shows his enjoyment on the way.

Answer in 30 words


What efforts has the child made before meeting the man?


The child, after getting lost tried to look for them all around. A full deep cry rose from his dry throat and he called for father and mother in fear. He jerked his body and ran to and fro in search of them. He tried to look the yellow patches in the crowd. He displayed his presence of mind to find his parents till he could meet the kind man.

Answer in 30 words


What picture do we get about the child’s mother?


The child’s mother appears to be simple and considerate lady. When the child asks for something, she is well aware that the father wouldn’t fulfil his wish. So she tries to divert his attention to something else. We can conclude her concern as she frequently gives him cautionary calls.

Answer in 30 words


What did the child do when was taken again to the roundabout?


When was taken to the roundabout, the man asked him if he would like to have ride on the horse. The child had lost his interest in it. So he just screamed or his father and mother.

Answer in 30 words


What did the child immediately do when he realized that he was lost?


The child turned back and realized that he had been separated from his parents, he gave a full, deep cry. He gave a jerk to his body and started finding his parents. He cried in fear and shouted ‘father and mother,’

Answer in 30 words


What has been referred by the author’s expression ‘his feet obedient to their call’?


The author has used the expression ‘his feet obedient to their call’, to indicate that though the child was interested in various things, whenever had been called by his parents he quickly rushed to them. Here the author makes the figurative use of synecdoch.

Answer in 30 words


Why did the child drop the flower petals?


The child dropped the flower petals which he had collected in his hands as he heard the cooing of the doves. He at once forgets or lost interest in the showering petals and got attracted towards the doves. It shows his quickly shifting interests.

Answer in 30 words


Explain -he was filled with an overwhelming desire to possess them all.


The author mentions that the child had an overwhelming desire of possessing them all. This refers to the colourful balloons the child had seen with the balloon seller. He wished to have them all for him.

Answer in 30 words


What could the child see when they neared the village?


The child was going to the village fair along with his parents. As they neared the village, he could see many footpaths full of throngs, converging to the whirlpool of the fair and felt at once repelled and fascinated by the confusion of the world he was entering into.

Answer in 30 words


The author beautifully depicts the typical village fair. Explain in detail.


The author Mulk Raj Anand, through his short story gives the minute and very realistic picture of a typical village fair. He also gives us the clear idea of various details of his contemporary period. The author begins with the description of narrow and crowded lanes where people were rushing for the fair. We get the clear idea of the transport means used during that time. His vivid account of the natural elements, while a couple with their child is walking their way to the fair, amuses us greatly. The author successfully describes the throngs of people gradually turning into the whirlpool. On such backdrop, the author reveals the child’s fascination towards the charming and unusual things. He couldn’t resist himself from getting attracted by the hawkers selling sweets, balloons, garlands of flowers, the snake charmer and his snake, roundabouts, toys in the shops etc. A very live and detailed description given by the author creates visual imagery.

Answer in 100 words


Though the author has beautifully depicted the village fair, he has been more successful in depicting child psychology in the story. Elucidate.


The author undoubtedly has given an excellent account of a typical village fair but we can’t neglect the theme of the story. It throws light on the childish curiosity as well as child psychology. On the backdrop of a village fair, the writer deals with the psyche of a small child. He describes that how when being with parents, he acts carelessly, rather he is confident that his parents are promptly keeping his track, giving him cautionary calls, so he never thought of getting lost. The author has keenly observed curious, eager behavior of the small children when he minutely describes the child’s fascination for toys, sweets, balloons, flowers, snake charmer etc. He gets enchanted by every unusual thing and also reads well the manner his parents would react and reject all his demands. The same child when realizes that he is lost in the unknown crowd becomes frantic, tries to call and search his parents, fortunately comes across a kind man. This time all those things which charmed him a moment before, failed to attract him now. He insists only one thing that he wants his parents and nothing else.

Answer in 100 words


Compare and contrast the child’s reactions to the different things he saw before and after getting lost?


The story ‘The Lost Child’ gives a beautiful description of the childish curiosity and psychology. The author Mulk Raj Anand successfully brings out the difference in the reactions of the child to the same set of things when he is in different situation. The way we act and react to the people and the things largely depends on our own mind set. The child in the story gets attracted to various things, objects on his way to the fair. He even neglects calls given by his parents. He badly wanted toys. When the sweet meat seller was hawking the sweets, he was staring at them with open eyes and his mouth watered. He wished he should ask his favorite burfi. He couldn’t resist himself from demanding a garland of gulmohur. He had an overwhelming desire of possessing all the colorful balloons. He was enchanted by the music played by the snake charmer, but couldn’t listen as his parents had warned him not to listen such coarse music. He was lost in the crowd when he was attracted towards the roundabouts. When he realized that he was no more with his parents, he was panic stricken. The kind man offered him all those things to soothe him, but he then only wanted his father and mother. He refused even to look at those things, turned himself away from those attractions. He was badly in need of being with his parents.

Answer in 100 words


What precautions do you think parents should take to ensure that their children should not be lost?


The story ‘The Lost Child’ by Mulk Raj Anand evoke the feelings of love and sympathy for the lost child in the story. Fortunately this child finds a kind man who tries to comfort him, helps to find him his father and mother. The story also teaches us the lesson that we neither parents nor the children should be careless of inviting any mishaps for us. We can feel the pains of such parents or even such children. The situation and people may not always turn favourable for us. Precautions are better than finding cures. We, as the parents, have to be little more smart to share the proper and clear instructions with our children. We also fix certain spot or landmark where to meet or come back in the situation if we are separated in the crowd. In case, the child is very small, I think the parents can keep a tag of name and contact numbers attached to the child. Training the child for such situation would also make them courageous to deal with the problem. I feel that children should also have to be more alert when they are in the similar situation even though the ultimate responsibility of their off springs lie with the parents.

Answer in 100 words


Describe the man’s helpful nature.


The story ‘The Lost Child’ gives a beautiful description of the childish curiosity and psychology. The author Mulk Raj Anand describes the details of the activities of the child who gets separated from his parents in the fair. The child makes his own efforts to get back to his parents, but he fails. He comes near the shrine and loudly keeps screaming for his father and mother. No one in the crowd is sensible enough to pay heed to the child. Suddenly a kind man hears the child lifts him in his arms. He understands well the child’s situation. He wanted to help him finding his parents but also expects child to be pacified. He takes the child to the roundabouts, balloon seller, flower seller, sweetmeat vendor, the snake charmer and kindly asks the child if he wanted those things. The man is also very well aware of the child’s mind. He tries his best to help the child. The man stands for goodness, kindness among the crowd of thousands of insensible hearts .

Answer in 100 words


Narrate the child’s own activities to be united to his parents?


The story ‘The Lost Child’ by Mulk Raj Anand evoke the feelings of love and sympathy for the lost child in the story. Fortunately this child finds a kind man who tries to comfort him, helps to find him his father and mother. The story describes child’s activities before and after getting lost. He appears to be very innocent child when he is with the parents and keeps demanding the things of his interest. He seems to be sensible and courageous when he searches his parents. He moves to and from keeps calling them. He intently looks for yellow patches in the crowd as his parents might have dressed yellow. This shows his presence of mind even when he is panic stricken. He doesn’t lose his hopes. He meets the kind man who wants to help him.

Answer in 100 words


Describe the activities in the village fair in detail.


The author Mulk Raj Ananad has given a detail description of a typical village fair. All the activities are described vividly. It had been spring festival and the narrow lanes were crowded by people. Some were walking or being transported in bullock carts. There had been shops of toys lined up and the child in the story was attracted to them. There were beautiful mustard fields along the way which were made more attractive by insects, butterflies and dragonflies etc. There was a shady grove where the child and his parents preferred to sit and rest. There had been thick crowd of people near the shrine which ultimately had been center of attraction of the fair. One could see the balloon seller selling colorful balloons, flower seller, sweet meat seller hawking variety of different sweets. Many artists, performers had been trying their skills and earning money like a snake charmer, roundabout runner etc. There were lively colorfully dressed people gathered around such center of attractions. In this way, the story gives a beautiful background and setting of a village fair.

Answer in 100 words


Write a detailed note on the child’s parents and their behavior.


The story ‘The Lost Child’, rightly titled tells about the psychology of a child. This child was lost in the crowd and lost his interest in all those activities which he was interested earlier. The story comes with the a good theme and useful message. It mainly throws light on the child’s curious nature, but surely one can have a good understanding of the parental nature too. The father appears to be a typical stern father who doesn’t entertain any of the demands of his child. It's perhaps because that was not the time when parents display the mentality of granting every wish of their children and pampering them. Even the child knows this fact. He was well aware of his father’s unkind nature. The author also uses certain phrases like familiar tyranny to describe their non-considerate nature. They had lot of excuses with them which even the child was fully aware of. The mother of the child appears to be simple minded person. She was a bit careful about child’s feelings. After every refusal, she used to divert the child to something else. They were cautious enough to be attentive to the child in the crowd, but somewhere a moment of negligence invited a mishap that they lost their child in the crowd.

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