The Fun They Had

Extra Questions for The Fun they Had Class 9 Beehive English

Important Questions


Margie even wrote about it that night in her diary.

a. What did Margie write in her diary?

b. What date did she put on the top of the diary page?

c. What had she been thinking about when she started writing her diary?

d. What did she write about Tommy?


a. Margie wrote about the book, Tommy had brought, in her diary.

b. She put May 17, 2157 on the top of the diary page.

c. She was thinking about the book and the kind of school the children used to have centuries and centuries ago.

d. She wrote that that day Tommy had found a book which had fixed alphabets that did not change.

Passage Based


He was a round little man with a red face and a whole box of tools with dials and wires. He smiled at Margie and gave her an apple, then took the teacher apart. Margie had hoped he wouldn't know how to put it together again, but he knew how all right, and, after an hour or so, there it was again, large and black and ugly, with a big screen on which all the lessons were shown and the questions were asked.

a. Who was the round little man?

b. Why had he come there? Who had called him?

c. Why did Margie hope that he wouldn’t be able to put it together?

d. Who/what was large and black and ugly?


a. The round man was the county inspector.

b. He had come there to check Margie’s mechanical teacher. Margie’s mother had called him to check the mechanical teacher.

c. Margie hoped that he wouldn’t be able to put it together as earlier in case of Tommy’s teacher, it was to be taken to workshop and took almost a month.

d. Margie’s mechanical teacher was large and black and ugly.

Passage Based


“But my mother says a teacher has to be adjusted to fit the mind of each boy and girl it teaches and that each kid has to be taught differently."

a. Who is the writer of the fiction?

b. Why did the mother say that the teacher has to be adjusted?

c. What kind of teacher was there in Margie’s school?

d. Why did the mother say ‘each kid has to be taught differently’


a. The writer of the fiction is Isaac Asimov.

b. The mother said that the teacher had to be adjusted to fit the mind of each boy and girl it teaches and that each kid has to be taught differently.

c. The teacher in Margie’s school was a mechanical teacher which was large and black and ugly.

d. The mother said that each kid has to be taught differently because each kid has different needs and should be taught according to his/her caliber and IQ.

Passage Based


Margie was thinking about how the kids must have loved it in the old days. She was thinking about the fun they had.

a. What was Margie thinking about?

b. What fun was she thinking about?

c. Why did she think ‘the kids must have loved it’?

d. Which old days was Margie thinking about?


a. Margie was thinking about the school that existed centuries and centuries ago about which she was reading in the printed book brought by Tommy.

b. She thinking about the fun the children had when they studied together in a school building with printed books and human teacher.

c. She thought that the kids must have loved it because they were studying together in a school being taught by a human teacher where they could discuss their problems and get solutions.

d. Margie was thinking about the days when there were schools in a separate building, where children studied together.

Passage Based


“This is the old kind of school that they had hundreds and hundreds of years ago."

a. Who said these words and to whom?

b. Why was the school described as ‘old kind of school’?

c. Why did the speaker say “ hundreds and hundreds of years ago."?

d. What were they talking about?


a. Tommy said these words. He said these words to Margie.

b. The school was described as ‘old kind of school’ because it was an assembly of many students in a defined building away from home and under the guidance of man teacher.

c. The speaker said “ hundreds and hundreds of years ago." because his grandfather had told him that he had learnt about such schools from his grandfather in his childhood.

d. They talking about the schools that existed centuries and centuries ago and had printed books where the words did not move.

Passage Based


"Sure they had a teacher, but it wasn't a regular teacher. It was a man." "A man?

a. Who said ‘sure they had a teacher’?

b. Why did the speaker say ‘it wasn’t a regular teacher?

c. To whom did the speaker say these words?

d. Why has the teacher been described as a man?


a. Tommy said ‘sure they had a teacher’?

b. Tommy said ‘it wasn’t a regular teacher’ because the teacher was not mechanical as in his school but it was a man.

c. The speaker said these words to Margie.

d. The teacher been described as a man because when the books were printed and students assembled in a particular building to study together from a human being instead of a mechanical teacher.

Passage Based


"A man isn't smart enough." "Sure he is. My father knows as much as my teacher." "He can't. A man can't know as much as a teacher." "He knows almost as much, I betcha."

a. Who said, "A man isn't smart enough."?

b. Who said, "He knows almost as much, I betcha."?

c. About whom did the speaker say, "He knows almost as much"?

d. Why can’t a man know as much as a teacher?


a. Margie said, "A man isn't smart enough."

b. Tommy said, "He knows almost as much, I betcha."

c. The speaker said "He knows almost as much" about his father.

d. A man cannot know as much as a teacher because men have a fixed mind with split emotions whereas a mechanical teacher is fitted with the best of knowledge about the subject.

Passage Based


"School? What's there to write about school? I hate school."

a. Who used to hate school?

b. Why did the speaker say, "What's there to write about school?”

c. Why did the speaker hate the school?

d. To whom was the speaker talking to?


a. Margie used to hate school.

b. The speaker said, “What's there to write about school” because she knew only about schools with mechanical teachers.

c. The speaker hated the school because she did not like the way homework was to be submitted in punch codes. She also hated it because her performance in Geography did not improve despite frequent revisions.

d. The speaker was talking to Tommy.

Passage Based


What had Tommy found in the Attic?


Tommy had found a real book in the Attic. It had alphabets that were fixed and did not change even when revisited.

Answer in 30 words


What did Tommy’s grandfather once told him?


Tommy’s grandfather had once told him that when he was a little boy his grandfather told him that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper.

Answer in 30 words


What did Margie’s mother say about the teacher?


Margie’s mother said that a teacher has to be adjusted to fit the mind of each boy and girl it teaches and that each kid has to be taught differently."

Answer in 30 words


What did the County Inspector tell Margie’s mother about her score in Geography?


The County Inspector told Margie’s mother that her score in Geography was low as the geography section of the teacher was little fast to suit a child of her age and slowed it up to an average ten-year level. and overall pattern of her progress was quite satisfactory.

Answer in 30 words


Why did Margie say "1 wouldn't want a strange man in my house to teach me."?


When Tommy told her that a man teacher used to teach the children at school in the time when the books were printed, Margie said that wouldn't want a strange man in her house to teach her.

Answer in 30 words


What do you understand by word ‘nonchalantly’?


The word ‘nonchalantly’ means to say something in a casual, calm and relaxed manner.

Answer in 30 words


What were the subjects the mechanical teacher was teaching Margie?


The mechanical teacher was teaching Margie History, Geography and arithmetic.

Answer in 30 words


How old were Margie and Tommy?


Margie was eleven and Tommy was thirteen years old.

Answer in 30 words


Where was Margie’s School?


Margie’s School was next to her bedroom.

Answer in 30 words


What kind of book did Tommy bring to Margie?


Tommy brought a printed book to Margie. It had words that were still and did not change even when pages were flipped back and forth.

Answer in 30 words


Why did Tommy scream and laugh?


Tommy screamed and laughed when Margie said "1 wouldn't want a strange man in my house to teach me."

Answer in 30 words


What did Tommy tell Margie about the school described in the book?


Tommy told Margie that the school described in the book was in a separate building where children came from different places and studied together from a teacher who was a man.

Answer in 30 words


Who were Margie and Tommy?


Margie and Tommy were children aged 11 and 13 in the year 2157.

Answer in 30 words


What kind of school did they have?


They had a mechanical teacher who taught them subjects that were loaded in it.

Answer in 30 words


What was the language in which the homework had to be submitted?


Homework had to be submitted in punched codes.

Answer in 30 words


Where was the homework to be submitted?


The homework was to be submitted in a slot meant for it.

Answer in 30 words


Where was the classroom?


The classroom was next to their bedrooms.

Answer in 30 words


Why did Margie say “I wouldn’t want a strange man in my house to teach me”?


Margie said “I wouldn’t want a strange man in my house to teach me” because she thought that a man teacher would come to their house to teach her.

Answer in 30 words


What was the subject in which Margie was miserable?


Margie was miserable in Geography.

Answer in 30 words


Why was the mother worried about and what action did she take?


The mother was worried about non-improvement of Margie in Geography. She called county inspector to check the mechanical teacher for deterioration in Margie’s geography score.

Answer in 30 words


Who was the round little man with red face?


The round little man with red face was the county inspector.

Answer in 30 words


Why was the round little man with red face called?


The round little man with red face was called to repair the mechanical teacher.

Answer in 30 words


What did Margie hope and why when the little man dismantled the teacher?


Margie hoped that the inspector would not be able to reassemble the mechanical teacher because she hated it.

Answer in 30 words


What did Tommy say to Margie about his grandfather?


Tommy told Margie about his grandfather. His grandfather had once told him that his great great grandfather there was a time when all stories were printed on paper.

Answer in 30 words


Do you think the kind of school described in the story ‘The fun they had’ is an ideal school?


The kind of school described in the story ‘The fun they had’ is an ideal school. At present as we are in an era where everything is done according to the set academic rules and patterns. Though emotional and humane touch makes children feel cared and looked after but having children of different caliber and IQ learn together makes some of them neglected. The challenge of competition has become so much that parental and peer pressure can make a child feel disheartened and lead to depression. However, whatever be the case whether there are mechanical or human teacher, a change is always considered better.

Answer in 100 words


What did Margie’s mother say about the school and why?


Margie’s mother said that a school must start at the same time every day except Saturdays and Sundays because little girls learn better if they learned at regular hours. She also said that a teacher must be adjusted to fit the mind of each boy and girl it teaches and that each kid must be taught differently. She believed in having school next to the bedroom without other kids sitting together and disturbing each other. She wanted Margie to learn all the subjects like history, geography and arithmetic. When she scored badly in Geography, her mother sent for county inspector to check and confirm the status of her child’s education.

Answer in 100 words


What kind of book did Tommy find? Where did he find it? What was strange about the book?


Tommy found a real printed book. He found it in the Attic of his house. The book was strange to them because it was different from their telebook and had words that did not move and remained where they were. Its pages were yellow and crinkly, and it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to--on a screen. And then, when they turned back to the page before, it had the same words on it that it had had when they read it the first time.

Answer in 100 words


Do you think the school described in year 2157 is ideal school?


No. I don't think the school described in year 2157 is an ideal school. The schools today have more fun as the students leave their homes and assemble at one place and learn together. It is boring and draining to do homework, punch it and put it in a specified slot without any help from any colleague or teacher. To interact with a teacher, live and get his/her views on the performance is something beyond expression. With a mechanical teacher and without any colleagues, getting views on homework or in case of any difficulty in learning is impossible. Such schools are healthier and give a kind of satisfaction in interaction than the monotonous mechanical teachers and boring bedroom side schools.

Answer in 100 words


What kind of a school did Margie have? Who was the teacher who taught her?


Margie had her school next to her bed room. She studied from telebooks. The words used to scroll and were unlike printed books. When the pages were shuffled, the words changed. There were only three subjects being taught in her school. They were History, Geography and Arithmetic. The teacher who used to teach was a mechanical teacher. It was large and black and ugly. She had to finish her homework and write in punched language. It was to be inserted in a special slot made for homework. She would appear in test and once inserted, she would get the result immediately.

Answer in 100 words


Why was Margie disappointed?


Margie’s mechanical teacher was not functioning properly. Her score in Geography was worsening. Her mother sent for the county inspector to check. The county inspector dismantled the mechanical teacher. Margie hoped that he wouldn’t be able to reassemble it. However, he assembled it and set it right for Margie. It was again, large and black and ugly, with a big screen on which all the lessons were shown and the questions were asked. Margie thought that the teacher would be taken to the workshop and it would take about a month’s time as was the case when Tommy’s teacher went bad. So she was very disappointed.

Answer in 100 words


In which backdrop the fiction ‘The Fun They Had’ has been written.


The fiction ‘The Fun They Had’ has been written keeping in mind the advancement being done in digital industry. Large, ugly and space consuming computers have given way to small, portable tablets, laptops and even mobile phones. The time when this fiction was written, only first stage computers were being constructed and there were no robots or robotic teachers. However, the writer had thought of the advancement that would happen in 200 years from his time and brought about this fiction. The speed at which the industry is progressing and man’s dependence on computer increasing, it is possible to have schools as described in the fiction.

Answer in 100 words


Do you think that mother was right when she said ‘that each kid has to be taught differently."?


Yes, the mother was right when she said "that each kid has to be taught differently" because every child has a different brain and understanding of the subject. There are below standard, average, and intelligent students. Their capabilities and intentions also make their efforts slow. We, in India, have all type of students in every class who have different understanding for different subjects. Some excel in Mathematics, some in Science, some in computers and some in other areas. Therefore, each kid has to be taught differently unlike today’s environment.

Answer in 100 words