What is Democracy? Why Democracy?

Competency Focused Questions of Chapter 1 What is Democracy? Why Democracy? Class 9 Civics

Important Questions


In August 2002, Musharraf issued a ‘Legal Framework Order’ that amended the Constitution of Pakistan. According to this Order, the President could:
(a) appoint the National Assemblies
(b) dismiss the National and Provincial Assemblies
(c) amend the Constitution on his own
(d) declare elections


(b) dismiss the National and Provincial Assemblies
In Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf led a military coup in October 1999. He overthrew a democratically elected government and declared himself the ‘Chief Executive’ of the country. In August 2002 he issued a ‘Legal Framework Order’ that amended the Constitution of Pakistan. According to this Order, the President can dismiss the national and provincial assemblies.


Why can the Chinese government not be called a democratic government even though elections are held there?
(a) Army participates in election
(b) Government is not accountable to the people
(c) Some parts of China are not represented at all
(d) Government is always formed by the Communist Party


(d) Government is always formed by the Communist Party
In China, elections are regularly held after every five years for electing the country’s parliament, called Quanguo Renmin Daibiao Dahui (National People’s Congress). Before contesting elections, a candidate needs the approval of the Chinese Communist Party. Only those who are members of the Chinese Communist Party or eight smaller parties allied to it were allowed to contest elections held in 2002-03. The government is always formed by the Communist Party.


Observe the following figure and select the correct option which describes it?

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-6.png

(a) Army participates in election
(b) Democracy can be effectively applied through arms
(c) Booth capturing in elections by using arms
(d) Influencing people of the country through arms


(c) Booth capturing in elections by using arms


Which of these is permitted under the Rule of Law?
(a) Prime Minister can be punished for violating the Constitution.
(b) Police has a right to kill anybody.
(c) Women can be paid lesser salaries.
(d) President can rule for as long as he wants.


(a) Prime Minister can be punished for violating the Constitution.


'One person, One vote’ means
(a) All person must vote for one person.
(b) Each person has one vote and each vote has one value.
(c) Each person can vote only once in his life.
(d) None of the above


(b) Each person has one vote and each vote has one value.
Democracy is based on a fundamental principle of political equality. That gives us the third feature of democracy: in a democracy, each adult citizen must have one vote and each vote must have one value.


What event does this picture represent?

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-7.png

(a) Chinese Government declaring war
(b) Restriction by Chinese Government on Internet
(c) Massacre in Tiananmen square in 1989 
(d) Chinese army controlling tanks


(b) Restriction by Chinese Government on Internet
Chinese government blocked free flow of information on the internet by placing restrictions on popular websites like ‘Google’ and ‘Yahoo’.


In any society, people are bound to have difference of opinions and interests. Which is a better way of dealing with these conflicts?
(a) By brutal power exercised by the government
(b) By allowing one group to dictate terms to others
(c) By providing equal opportunities to all
(d) By opting for a strong leader who should have all the powers.


(c) By providing equal opportunities to all
Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts. In any society people are bound to have differences of opinions and interests. These differences are particularly sharp in a country like ours which has an amazing social diversity.


Which of these is not an instance of broader meaning of democracy?
(a) Taking opinion of all the family members before taking a decision
(b) Being allowed to ask questions in the class
(c) Having no say in one’s marriage plan
(d) None of the above


(c) Having no say in one’s marriage plan


What is the message given by the people in this image?
(a) Equality of right to vote and equal value of each man's vote.
(b) Elections must offer a real choice between political parties.
(c) Political equality is a right of each individual.
(d) Those currently in power have a fair chance of losing.


(a) Equality of right to vote and equal value of each man's vote.
Democracy is based on a fundamental principle of political equality. That gives us the third feature of democracy: in a democracy, each adult citizen must have one vote and each vote must have one value.


Observe the following cartoon and select the correct option which describes it?

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-8.png

(a) Building democracy
(b) Structured democracy
(c) Maximum democracy
(d) Representative democracy


(a) Building democracy
This cartoon was titled ‘Building Democracy’ and was first published in a Latin American publication.


Democracy improves the quality of decision-making because
(a) decisions are taken by educated people
(b) decisions are taken by consultation and discussion
(c) decisions are taken over a long period of time
(d) all decisions are approved by judiciary


(b) decisions are taken by consultation and discussion
Democracy is based on consultation and discussion. A democratic decision always involves many persons, discussions and meetings. When a number of people put their heads together, they are able to point out possible mistakes in any decision. This takes time. But there is a big advantage in taking time over important decisions. This reduces the chances of rash or irresponsible decisions. Thus democracy improves the quality of decision-making.


(i) Mexico got its independence

(a) 1980

(ii) Zimbabwe attained independence from White minority rule

(b) 1999

(iii) General Pervez Musharraf led a military coup

(c) 2017

(iv) Robert Mugabe was forced out of office

(d) 1930

(a) (i) - (d), (ii) - (c), (iii) - (a), (iv) - (b)
(b) (i) - (c), (ii) - (d), (iii) - (a), (iv) - (b)
(c) (i) - (d), (ii) - (a), (iii) - (b), (iv) - (c)
(d) (i) - (c), (ii) - (d), (iii) - (a), (iv) - (b)


(c) (i) - (d), (ii) - (a), (iii) - (b), (iv) - (c)


Which is the most common form of democracy in today’s world?
(a) Representative Democracy
(b) Direct Democracy
(c) Presidential Democracy
(d) Participatory Democracy


(a) Representative Democracy
The most common form that democracy takes in our times is that of a representative democracy. In the countries we call democracy, all the people do not rule. A majority is allowed to take decisions on behalf of all the people. Even the majority does not rule directly. The majority of people rule through their elected representatives.