NCERT Solutions for Chapter 8 Vital villages, thriving towns Class 6 History
Book Solutions1
Fill in the blanks:
(a) ___________ was a word used for large landowners in Tamil.
(b) The gramabhojaka often got his land cultivated by the _____________
(c) Ploughmen were known as ____________ in Tamil.
(d) Most grihapatis were _______________ landowners
(a) Vellalar
(b) slaves and hired workers
(c) uzhavar
(d) smaller
Let's Recall
Page Number 89
Describe the functions of the gramabhojaka. Why do you think he was powerful?
The king appointed grambhojakas to collect taxes from the villages. He also functioned as judge and policeman in the village.He was powerful as he was the village headman who owned most of the land in the village and cultivated them with the help of slaves and workers.
Let's Recall
Page Number 89
List the crafts persons who would have been present in both villages and cities.
The blacksmiths, potters, carpenters, masons and weavers would have been present in villages as well as cities.
Let's Recall
Page Number 89
Choose the correct answer:
(a) Ring wells were used for:
1. bathing
2. washing clothes
3. irrigation
4. drainage
(b) Punch marked coins were made of:
1. silver
2. gold
3. tin
4. ivory
(c) Mathura was an important:
1. village
2. port
3. religious centre
4. forested area
(d) Shrenis were associations of:
1. rulers
2. crafts persons
3. farmers
4. herders
(a) 4. drainage
(b) 1. silver
(c) 3. religious centre
(d) 2. crafts persons
Let's Recall
Page Number 89
Which of the iron tools shown on page 87 would have been important for agriculture? What would the other tools have been used for?
From the tools shown, sickle, tongs and axe, the sickle would have been most important for agricultural activities. It would have been used at the time of harvesting to cut the crops. The axe would have been used to chop wood and clear forests. The tongs would have been used to hold objects by the ironsmiths.
Let's Discuss
Page Number 90
Compare the drainage system in your locality with that of the cities mentioned in the lesson. What similarities and differences do you notice?
In the lesson, rows of pots or ceramic rings were probably used as toilets in some places, or as drains and garbage dumps in other places of the cities. These ring wells were usually found in individual households. The drainage system of our locality is well managed. The difference which we find in both the drainage system is that in the ancient days the system was made up of mud bricks therefore it was not long lasting. Also, drainage system were not well-managed like today.
Let's Discuss
Page Number 90